This bolt-on rigid hardtail Harley frame section is a smooth, easy install on 1963-1970 Triumph 650cc stock frames. Made right here in Cleveland, Ohio, the Lowbrow Customs Unit Triumph Hardtail is dialed in every way. It accepts your stock rear wheel, axle, brake stay and axle adjusters. This is the start of that bobber or chopper project you have in your head! In stock and ships right away.
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You can read a full transcription of this video below:
Hi. I'm Tyler with Lowbrow Customs, here at Lowbrow World Headquarters in Brunswick, Ohio. Wanted to show you guys our new Triumph hardtail. This is for unit construction prime 650cc motorcycles from 1963 to 1970. You can unbolt the rear subframe on a stock bike or replace a cruddy old hardtail from some chopper project you've dragged out of a barn or whatever and this will bolt right in place. These are akin to a four-inch stretch and two-inch drop. There would be a four-inch stretch wheelbase versus a stock motorcycle. So, if you imagine axle to axle, this gives you a four-inch additional length.
Then the drop, the frames are about two inches lower with your stock wheels than the stock swing arm frame. It gives a great stance. Excellent beginning or bones for your custom Triumph project. Another nice thing is that this hardtail will use all of the stock components of your bike as far as axle adjusters, axle rear wheel, rear brakes sprocket, that will all slide right in place, then it's just up to you to mount your seat, your fender, oil tank, and you will be back in action.
A couple features I could point out about this hardtail are that the axle adjusting slots are longer than on a stock drop out on the swing arm on your stock Triumph. This allows for a little more adjustability as far as your chain wears, you need to tension a little bit more, just gives you a little more room to do so. Also, integrated into the axle plates are a perfect spot for your rear fender struts. So you can through bolts through a fender strut into this axle plate or you can tap that and thread a bolt right into it. It's just very convenient and allows you to mount your fender without having to weld a bung or another tab or something onto this frame.
Our motorcycle frames are all made out of one-inch DOM tubing that's drawn over mandrel tubing. It gives a very uniform wall thickness and shape with an interior seem, so it's just high-quality tubing that won't let you down. Everything here is TIG welded beautifully. These frames are all welded and assembled in a jig and they're guaranteed to fit your bike perfectly.
Another thing that we took care of here is the brakes came out. This beefy quarter-inch tab is welded in place and will work with your stock rear wheel and the breaks there which bolts from this tab to your brake plate so it allows your stock brake to work just like it did prior. These hardtails are made right here in Ohio out of American steel. They are in stock on the shelf and shipped now. There's no waiting necessary. Check these out at and we'll get one right out to you. Thanks.
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