Tyler Malinky
about the author

Tyler Malinky
CEO & Founder
Tyler Malinky is the CEO of Lowbrow Customs, which he founded back in 2004. An avid vintage motorcyclist, Tyler builds and races 1950's Triumph motorcycles at the Bonneville Salt Flats, in addition to building and riding both stock and custom Harley-Davidson's on the street.
His personal motorcycles include a 1950 Triumph land speed bike (and current record holder at Bonneville Salt Flats), 1959 Harley Panhead chopper, stock 1965 Triumph Bonneville, stock 1969 Harley FLH, and a 1975 Shovelhead chopper. He is also currently building a dual-engine 1950 Triumph land speed race bike for the 2021 race season.
Racing Records
Motorcycle build project:
- 1955 750cc Triumph 'Poison Ivy'
- 1950 750cc Triumph 'unnamed'
- 1955 1350cc dual-engine Triumph 'Double Vision'
Records set:
- 750cc A-VG 130.503 MPH 'unnamed' - SCTA Bonneville
- 750cc A-VF 126.812 MPH 'unnamed' - SCTA Bonneville
- 750cc APS-VG 116.171 MPH 'Poison Ivy' - SCTA Bonneville
- 750cc A/PG-750/2 132.55 MPH 'unnamed' - Arkansas Mile
- 1350cc A/VG-1350/4 140.186 MPH 'Double Vision' - Ohio Mile
- 750cc A/PG-750/2 117.801 MPH 'Poison Ivy' - Ohio Mile
- 1350cc A-VF 148.871 MPH 'Double Vision' - SCTA Bonneville
- 1350cc APS-VG 140.210 MPH 'Double Vision' - SCTA Bonneville
- 1350cc APS-VF 151.448 MPH 'Double Vision' - SCTA Bonneville
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