Justin’s Yamaha XS650 Chopper
We've been following this build from the Haifley Bros. and are stoked to see one of our David Bird hardtails on there as well as P-Nut tank and other XS650 parts. Justin sent these photos along as well as the following info:
"Good morning. Attached are some pictures of my XS650 with David Bird zero stretch and three inch drop looped hardtail. Installed by Doug, Kelly and Court at Haifley Bros. along with custom seat and mini aluminium fairing whipped up by Kelly, Mad custom stainless exhaust by Court. Also running a Lowbrow P-Nut Tank and cloth covered wiring from Lowbrow. Thanks for all the great products.
Semper Fidelis - Justin Schissel"

Rich’s 1974 Yamaha XS650 Chopper

I also sandblasted almost everything on the bike and polished all the original aluminum, wheels, tappet covers, brake calipers, forks, etc. Installed new carbs, had to radius and bob the rear fender (your DIY write up was most helpful). Fabricated all the brackets, and sissy bar. Wired it with an all new charging and ignition system. Then I picked out the colors and dad and sprayed it, he has been doing custom paint since the 70's so I figured who better.
Funny side story, I kept kicking around color ideas and couldn’t settle on one, but had added a Lowbrow Weirdo motorcycle t-shirt to an order I had just got and kept looking at it thinking black and green hmm... and so I ended up with what you see in the photos. I'd list all the parts I got from you guys but somewhere around 1/3 of your catalog covers it.
Anyways just wanted to say thanks it wouldn’t have happened without y’all. Oh yea I am currently looking for the next project bike, I'm hooked!
- Rich"
Scott’s 1979 Yamaha XS650 Chopper
I spotted Scott's 1979 Yamaha XS650 chopper on a forum, liking it immediately and then noticed that it had a David Bird hardtail on it (4" stretch, 2" drop looped style). I tend to see a lot more custom Triumphs and Harley-Davidson Sportsters and wanted to know more about his XS650 build.
I emailed him and asked for some photos and he sent these along for our enjoyment!
Scott’s 1979 Yamaha XS650 Chopper.
Josh Ramp’s NW Yamaha XS650 Chopper
"Hey man, thought you might enjoy these pics of my XS650 that I built with alot of your custom parts, help and advice from you guys. I built the thing in my basement over the winter and rode her from Portland to Born Free and back, it was insane. Anyway I did most of the work myself including paint but also a ton of help from my friends Mike, Murph, and Chase.
Thanks for answering all my questions with the quickness and hope to see y'all again at BF5...if there is one....
-Josh Ramp"

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