Jorg's Ironhead Sportster Chopper
Jorg from Kickstartworks in Germany sent us some photos and info on his most recent build, an Ironhead chopper. We were pretty stoked on it, what do you think?
"It is a '74 Ironhead frame with a hardtail on and a totally rebuilt '75 motor in, turned into a right hand side shift. Has aluminum rims, stainless spokes, inhouse build custom made horseshoe oil tank with internal oil filter, hidden the electric stuff underneath, and handbuild pipes, sissy bar and s.o..
The seat was made by my buddy Michael from CUSTOM SEATS. The frame is powder coated and all the chrome is redone. The handlebars have an internal throttle. Painted and flaked by my son !! All that assembling was done in my little shop "Kickstartworks" Germany, faraway from SoCal :-)). - Jorg"
Pat Patterson's 2015 Harley-Davidson Sportster - LED Sled Customs
Hot Bike Magazine and Harley-Davidson approached Led Sled to be one of the builders for the Hot Bike Speed and Style build of 2015. HD provided a brand new 2015 Sportster motor for the build. The bike would appear on the Hot Bike Tour, Sturgis and Born Free 8. "We were very honored to be considered for this opportunity and were thrilled we could involve our friends Darren, from Liquid Illusions (paint), and Strit, from Courthouse Customs (engraving)." - Pat Patterson
Photos by: Mikey Revolt
- Owner: Pat Patterson
- Year/Make/Model: 2015 HD Sportster
- Fabrication: Led Sled Customs (LSC)
- Build Time: 1 month
- Year/Type/Size: 1200 Sportster
- Carburetor: Screaming Eagle
- Exhaust: LSC
- Air Cleaner: LSC
- Year/Type: LSC Rigid
- Rake/Stretch: 4 out, 4 up, 38º rake
Front End:
- Type / Brand: stock hydraulic
- Front Size: 21x2.15
- Rear Size: 18x5.5
- Paint by: Liquid Illusions
- Powder Coating: LSC
- Front Fender: n/a
- Rear Fender: Softail
- Gas Tank: LSC
- Handlebars: LSC
- Grips: LSC
- Mirrors: n/a
- Hand Controls: n/a
- Foot Controls: LSC
- Headlight: LSC
- Taillight: LSC
- Turn Signals: n/a
- License Mount:
- LSC Seat: LSC
Custom & Special Details or Accessories:
- Scott's steering damper, LSC Panhead covers, LSC mid foot clutch, LSC electric mag ignition, hand engraved spokes, motor from case up is all Screaming Eagle
Ryan Grayson's 2001 Harley-Davidson Sportster Chopper
I bought this Sportster bone stock off of Craigslist in 2013, not knowing it would eventually become my Chopper style motorcycle. I had no knowledge of what it took to work on and maintain your own bike, I just wanted to ride with a few of my friends that had bikes. I rode it as I bought it for at least a few months. It may have been weeks, I’m not exactly sure but it wasn’t very long before I sparked interest in changing everything about the bike aesthetically.
It was the guys at the Dojo that were always helping me diagnose and fix my bike when something went wrong, allowing me to learn about and understand my motorcycle. Getting my hands on my bike in that shop and hanging out with everyone and their machines left me longing for the ability to fix my own bike and for the personal touch and simplicity of a custom built motorcycle.
Over the next 5 years I rode a lot and changed things here and there. I remember my first custom adventure was internally wiring a set of Biltwell Chumps. I was in my parents basement with a Dremel hacking janky square holes that I could hopefully stuff the stock wiring through. It was a fucking mess lol. I eventually got it done though and was proud of the outcome.
Looking back at it now I’m like “wow, what a dumb thing to do”, but you’ve got to start somewhere I guess. I believe the turn signals came off in this same hacking session. Soon it was properly rewired, the tank was changed, the front brake was disposed of, and a friends old 8 over set up along with his old sissy bar and seat combo were put on. I rode it this way for years. Until one day I went to start her up and it didn’t make a sound. Turns out it was just a dead battery but this is what prompted me to tear the whole thing apart and do a full on build.
So I ordered a frame. I figured that since the motor was going to be out of the frame I should go ahead and slap a 1250cc big bore kit on it, so I ordered one of those as well. Me and my friend Scotty spent a few hours one day tearing the bike completely down and removing the motor, we trucked it to the Dojo and from there the build took off. We started breaking open the top end and every now and then someone would stop by to offer tips and suggestions.
At one point Duane came through and offered his fabrication expertise on the frame build. After we got the big bore bolted on I threw the motor in the new frame, did a chain conversion, spaced the rear wheel, hammered in some neck cups and got the front end on. A few days later I went by the shop to drop off parts that had come in and the bike was already on Duane’s lift. I was hopeful that we could use the prefabbed tabs that came on the frame for most of the mounting points but it turned out that not one of them would work for what I was trying to do. So Duane started to cut everything off and remake the parts himself.
Within weeks the bike had already begun to come together. The rear fender was mounted with a tall, slim, straight as an arrow sissy bar. The battery tray was mounted, so was the brake stay and exhaust mount. From there Duane and I talked about what kind of seat I was going to run and how I wanted the tail light mounted. After trying a bunch of seats that were laying around the shop and even ordering one that ended up looking real stupid, I decided on just making my own.
I spent some time cutting and measuring and taping cardboard to get the shape that I wanted for my seat pan. Then I laid it out on some sheet metal and cut it out with an angle grinder. I bent it all up the way I wanted and passed it back to Duane to fabricate where and how it mounted to the frame and sissy bar. When he finished that I cut, shaped, and glued the foam for the seat and passed that to Brandon Smith to get upholstered and sent the frame and rear fender with Mike to get powder coated. Mike also took my lowers and sissy bar with him so that he could properly polish them up.
While they were working on those things it was time for me to get to work on the gas tank. I had never painted a gas tank before but I knew that I wanted to do it myself and with my own design. For my first try at painting a gas tank I of course go for the seemingly easiest and most forgiving design, flames. After painting, taping, painting, hating the design, sanding and repeating this process about 5 times, I end up ordering another tank because the flaws from past mistakes had become too obvious.
I body worked the new tank and made sure not to repeat the same mistakes I made on the previous tank. The first shot on the new tank ended up being my final product. I think more time was spent on that tank than anything else on this build, at least on my end, and although it is by no means a perfect or even really great paint job, I’m super proud of it and think it’s pretty damn good for a paint job that was done hanging from a tree in my backyard with overpriced rattle can spray paint.
I finished up the tank and then spent a lot of time trying to understand a wiring diagram drawn by our friend Boozer. After a few sessions of him explaining what was going on and me frying a few wires and figuring out where and how I wanted to run things I had a running chopper. I love this bike. I’m proud of what I envisioned and what came out on the other side of it. I’m proud of the relationships that were thickened throughout the process of the build. This is my chopper, built by me and my family that is the Dojo.
- Owner: Ryan Grayson
- Year/Make/Model: 2001 Harley-Davidson Sportster
- Fabrication: Duane Boatright
- Build Time: About 5 months.
- Year/Type/Size: 2001 Sportster 883cc —> 1250cc
- Carburetor: Harley CV Exhaust: Drags
- Air Cleaner: Lowbrow Customs Louvered for CV carburetors
- Year/Type: Kraft Tech Sportster Rigid Frame K15100
- Rake/Stretch: 30* Rake no stretch
Front End:
- Type / Brand: Stock Sportster narrow glide with 6 overs
- Front Size: 21”
- Rear Size: 16”
- Paint by: Tank: Ryan Grayson
- Plating/Polishing: Sissy bar/Lowers: Mike
- Powder Coating: Frame/Rear fender: Mike
- Front Fender: N/A
- Rear Fender: Cycle Standard 5” Steel Flat Trailer Fender
- Gas Tank: Lowbrow Customs Super Narrow Frisco Mount Sportster Tank 1.6 Gallon Handlebars: Pangea Speed Streamliners (If you can't find Streamliners take a look at Lowbrow Rabbit Ear Handlebars)
- Grips: Lowbrow Customs Cole Foster Signature Grips - Black
- Mirrors: N/A Hand
- Controls: Shovelhead clutch lever and perch
- Foot Controls: ?
- Headlight: Advance Auto Parts LED
- Taillight: Cat Eye off of something?
- Turn Signals: N/A
- License Mount: zip ties
- Seat: Pan/Foam custom made: Ryan Grayson / Upholstery: Brandon Smith
I finished the bike around May or June. I ripped around on it all summer, tweaking things as needed. Months later came a perfect day for riding. It was a Saturday at the end of September. The fall temperature was perfect and it was college football season so the roads were nearly empty.
Me and my buddy Zach took full advantage and decided to go hit some backroads that end up over by Barber’s Moto Park. We rode for a while then stopped at a gas station, had a smoke, and decided to head to a brewery for a beer. We headed back into town and passed through an intersection directly next to each of the bars that we work at.
About 50 yards after we go through the intersection I check over my shoulder real quick to make sure Zach is still with me; he’s not there. I remembered him mentioning that he had to take a doo doo so I thought “Oh, maybe he pulled off to Saturn or Avondale to unload”. So I doubled back and came to the same intersection but on the other side. I was sitting in the turn lane waiting for the light to turn green so that I could make a left onto the street that we work on.
The light turns green. It’s a setup with no designated arrow to the turning lane so I have to wait for traffic to pass before I can make my turn. So I wait with my clutch in and foot on the brake ready to make my move.
A few cars pass when a silver Jeep catches my attention. He’s in the lane of traffic that would pass right next to me headed in the opposite direction that I’m facing. It seemed like his trajectory was beginning to veer a little too far left so I focus in on it. At first I figure this is a friend of mine that has seen me and was giving me the “WhHoAa I’m GonNa HiT Ya!” goof off bull shit. I quickly realized I had no idea who this guy was and that he was looking straight down in his lap and had absolutely no intention of correcting his path. All of this happened in about 3 seconds.
As soon as I understood what was going on it was already too late. This guy smacked the shit out of me. I don’t know how fast he was going, maybe 35mph? It’s hard to tell, anyone who sees the security footage of the impact is highly impressed that I was able to get up and push my bike out of the road. It was so crazy haha. Looking back on it now it makes me laugh. I just remember slow motion flipping off my bike and just thinking “I can’t believe this is really fucking happening”. It was so dreamy.
Next I remember my legs going behind me and landing on the pavement as I kind of rolled myself the rest of the way out of the flip. Instinctually I quickly get up off the road, I have no idea where to look or what to do, I was just in pure shock. I checked myself out. I was good, just a little tweaked. I look to my right and my bike is on it’s side halfway under this guy's jeep. It was running, leaking fluids and had a front end that was turned almost all the way around. It was probably 5 seconds of me taking everything in and accepting the situation.
While everything’s processing I look up at the driver and throw my hands up in frustration. It’s a panicky frat looking dude who looks like he’s about to shit his khakis. He proceeds to back off my bike for which at first I’m thankful. I assume he’s going to get out of traffic and pull into the gas station right next to us so that we can figure out what happened and how we were going to handle it. This guy throws his car into drive and literally floors it and is gone just as quickly as the whole incident started.
My mind was blown. I really just got hit. My bike is really fucked up. That guy really is gone forever. I realize that there’s nothing else I can really do except get my bike out of the road, so I pick it up and wheel it to the sidewalk.
Some fellow motorcycle boys that were eating lunch across the street had made their way towards me to see if I was ok as well as some other passers by. I started pacing around and checking the damage on my bike. I had turned the front end back the right way and gave it a good look.
There was a huge gash in the body work of my tank, the fork tubes were tweaked to the side and one of them was super bent, my front rim had a flat spot in it, my rear exhaust pipe was cranked down onto my frame with the mounting tab bent all the way in towards the wheel. What a mess.
I was pumped full of adrenaline and the reality of the situation started to set in hard. Before I can get my phone out I guess I will call 911 and a car pulls up next to me. It’s a young female, she’s calmly leaning her head out the window with her phone in her hand. She looks at me and says “Hey I got a picture of the license plate”. Angel from heaven! She told me that she saw him about to pull off and she thought to herself “not today” then quickly got a snap before he could get away. I could have kissed her. We exchanged numbers so she could send me the photo then she just cruised off to continue her day.
After all this I called 911 and did the whole medics check me out and police report things. I don’t want to get into too much detail about my dealings with the law in this accident, but I will say it was a frustrating mess trying to work with the Birmingham Police Department.
They couldn’t have cared less that I was almost killed and this guy was just going to get away with it because he drove off. They left the scene basically saying “That sucks, good luck”. Shortly after the police showed up so did my girlfriend who I had called after I called 911. I briefed her on what happened then showed her the picture of the plates. She immediately threw it on Instagram and minutes later Nick pulled up on his panhead; our shop is maybe 5 blocks from where it happened.
Soon after Zach pulled up as well. Jerimiah called me instantly and so did Bowles and a few other friends. As I’m hanging up my phone and lighting a cigarette I see Boozer and Kevin pulling up with their trailer. Within 20 minutes of the first photo going up it had been blasted all over the web. It was everywhere and everyone was pulling together to help out in any way they could.
This Birmingham family rules! I’m truly blessed to have so many people have my back in such a shit situation. That was really an overwhelming feeling to experience.
So did we find the guy? I’ll just say this, it’s all good and I’m stoked that I was damaged physically hardly at all. As for the bike, I had it ripping again in maybe a little over a week. Matt already had a wheel in my spot the day that it happened.
Derek let me have some 6 overs that he had laying around in his spot. I was originally running 8’s but I ended up liking the 6 over set up more. I sprayed the gas tank that I had tried too many designs on black and bolted it on. I bent some things back in place and I was good to go. Shane snagged my tank so he could fix the body work and spray over it so it would look like nothing ever happened. He cleared and buffed the shit out of it so it actually looks a little better than it did before I got hit haha. I just got the tank back about a month ago so it hasn’t been back in it’s intended form for very long.
Once I got the tank back I made a few other small changes; I gave Matt his wheel back and put on one of those mini spools and ditched the useless rectangle fog light and am now running just a square LED mounted at the bottom of the trees. The bike’s had an interesting first year of existence to say the least.
Words by: Ryan Grayson • Photos by Jerimiah Smith
Raphael's 2001 Harley-Davidson Sportster Chopper
Raphael Conte runs Conte Kustoms down in Pelham, Alabama. He sent us pics of his recently finished Sportster that features a handful of parts he got here at Lowbrow (Aris style triangle headlight, Biltwell handlebars, risers and seat, fender, etc). In his own words:
"The bike is a 2001 Sportster 883 with 9k miles. All the stock tins & lights got canned. I put the Biltwell handlebar risers and Frisco handlebars narrowed 2" on each side. Single cable jackhammer throttle, no control switches. The tank is a Pandemonium STR tank. The seat is a Bitwell custom mounted. Burly Slammer 10.5" shocks.
The fender came from you guys, I just cut it down and made it fit. The headlight and side mount bullet tail light also came from you guys. The front end was shaved, no front brakes. Tires are Avon Tires MK II's. All the tins were powder coated 85% gloss black. No paint on this bike. The motor is stock, I just added the air cleaner and exhaust pipes. I think that about sums it up. Thanks man!"
Jonny's 1976 Honda CB750A Chopper
In Jonny's own words:
The wife and I got Rodin, a golden retriever in 2007. That got me thinkin', how cool it would be to have a bike with a sidecar for my dog to ride in. Searching for sidecar rigs, I came across a Harley Springer Classic, no sidecar, but a great looking bike. Screw the dog, I need that bike. Bought it, and rode it around stock for awhile after pulling all the HD skull covers the previous owner put on everything... What is it with Harleys and scary skulls?
Really liking the bikes' looks, but still needing to make the bike "mine", I bought a stage IV kit on eBay and installed it. That engine is as complicated as a Briggs and Stratton lawnmower engine. Now my bike was fast, for a Harley-Davidson, but still looked stock. Although I still love riding the Harley, the fuse of modifying has been lit, and now I need to build a custom motorcycle from the ground up.
Now with it being my first build, I was looking to spend as little as possible, use something different and end up with a bike that when people ask, "you built that yourself?" and they really don't know. I've seen home built bikes that do I say this...home built. The Internet is full of information and parts suppliers for CB750s. Came across a bike called the "Super Bobber" built by CycleX while surfing the internet. It was long and low, and unlike any 1970s looking Honda chopper I'd ever seen, so a CB750 it would be... to keep it clean, no clutch, it would be a CB750A HONDAMATIC.
I picked up a donor bike off of Craig's list in Tampa cheap and rode it down to St. Pete with gas leaking out of the carbs and stalling at stop lights. Got busy with the tear down. The first to go was the Vetter fairing, man was that thing fugly. A Call to Cycle X for their "Boxer'' frame, dual carburetors, and down-low-speedo, and I was committed to the build.
The original hubs were laced to new rims. The original forks were shaved, shortened 2" and polished up for a smooth look. The frame showed up to my front door, and it wasn't long before I had a roller. The gas tank is a Cole Foster. I had an oil tank to hold my battery and electrics (wet sump in the hondamatic) but it seemed sort of "fake", so off it went. Same with two rear fenders I bought on eBay, before settling on a blank I cut up myself. Lowbrow hooked me up with all the bungs to mount my fender and seat, a cool stainless seat hinge and seat springs, they also carry the model '33 tail light and chain tensioner I used. Thanks to Patty Perfect's borrowed stick welder, everything got tacked in place. Everyday was like Christmas as it seemed there were always boxes on the front porch to be opened. Our mailman, Joe, carried most of my bike to me one part at a time.
When the bike was almost done, I couldn't wait to ride it, so....a quick wiring job and a rattle can paint job and "Juan" the rat was on the road for two weeks. I had so much time in it by now, I had to finish it properly, so the bike came apart again, for powder and paint. I spent the time waiting to buff and paint the motor. With all my new shiny parts back in my Florida "hot ass summer in hell" garage, "Juan" came back together quite quickly. It had been almost one year after the trip to pick up the old sad looking 1976 CB750A with my VERY supportive wife, little Jennifer.
8000 miles later, I still love this bike. I could not have made it without Ken @ CycleX, you guys at Lowbrow Customs and Nate, a south St. Pete brother making some cool parts at Casket Factory Customs..are you happy now Nate?
The seat is an Anvil Customs that I found on ebay sitting on springs and fittings from Lowbrow Customs. Pipes are Vance and Hines CB900 pro-pipes. Attitude Painting in Pinellas Park did the tank and fender while Brother's Powder Coating of New Port Richey did the frame and trees. Motor is still stock with just a spray can overhaul and the ignition switch stuck through the side cover. Hell the thing started on the first crank after sitting for a year.
It took a year to put together in my garage. Its not quite a Bolt-on-Betty, making all the parts play nice together meant a lot of assembling, disassembly and grinding, oh and a lot of cussing and sweating. The hardest part was lining up the motor and rear tire then squeezing in the chain between the frame and back tire. Rode it as a rat for a week or so before blowing it apart for powder and paint. The two speed automatic is great fun to ride.
Lots of paint and parts help from the Quad Cam Bastards."
Garrett's Dirt Tracker Inspired Harley-Davidson Sportster
This dirt track-inspired Harley-Davidson Sportster comes from Garrett Brittenham:
"It's a '95 1200H. Had the goofy longhorn bars, saddlebags, fringe etc. when I got it. It has 18" rear wheel and 19" front, Sun rims, stainless spokes, Dunlop K180 motorcycle tires. Up front is a set of Buell M2 forks that I shaved and polished. M2 caliper and rotor, on a one-off rotor carrier.
Out back, hacked off the fender struts, built aluminum brackets to mount the XR seat, which is from Grand Prix Glassworks in Wyoming. I had a fiberglass XR tank on there for awhile, but the ethanol took it's toll on it and it melted. Now it has a '70s Superglide tank. I miss the XR tank, but it's nice having fewer fuel stops.
I chopped the cam and sprocket covers, and installed Andrews N2 cams. Pretty much the only motor mod unless you count exhaust pipes and A/C. Rearsets are from Chainsikle, but I replaced the shift side with a homemade bracket to adapt a Buell XB shifting mechanism. Works a lot better.
Brett Logan's '06 Sportster
You may not know who Brett Logan is but you have surely seen his design work in action. Brett runs Logan Design Works and has done logos and ads for such names as Fab Kevin, Imperial House 71, Cleveland Cyclewerks, Old School Helmets and Front Street Cycle, to name a few. He is not only good at designing web and print work, but apparently has a good eye for motorcycles as well.
Here is Brett's story in his own words from turning his stock '06 Harley-Davidson Sportster 883 into something to take a second look at:
"There's one that shows the bike the day I brought it home ... It was originally an 06 883R. I spent a lot of time on Craigslist trying to find the right Sportster to start a build but ended up having to drive from Kansas City to Tulsa, OK for this bike. The seller wasn't asking too much plus he had done some nice work to the motor ... This bike is crazy quick.
I had been collecting parts and wanted to see what I could do myself since I never really grew up wrenching on anything. I'm creative by nature and profession so I had a certain vision but at the same time I really had no idea of what I was capable of doing. I got some of the parts on trade ... trading my time doing design work for their time doing their craft ... like the shaved fork legs (Mr. Crown's) and the seat (Iron Horse Leather). Joel hooked me up with a bracket to help mount the CCW tank ... I called him with some measurements and he spun up a nice little piece and shipped it, pretty cool of him. Juan Carlos (John) helped me to get the cowbells to work.
I had previously picked up a wrecked Nightster then sold the frame and motor to this guy who was really thankful for the price so he came by one day and welded up Joel's bracket. That Nightster's wheels ended up on this bike although I had to have a shop fab up some spacers to make the rear wheel work ... SAE changed to Metric, thanks HD. Bars were done on trade from Craig at Front Street Cycle. Pegs were on trade from Taber at Nash Motorcycle but weren't clevis style so I had to figure that deal out. As everyone knows who's done anything like this, each thing you want to do that's outside of the normal catalog purchase creates a problem to solve, which is part of the fun of it. Bunch of other trades went down but not sure if those (somewhat large) companies want me talking about it, ha!
This was a lot of fun but once finished I realized I had just built a bike that only I can ride ... My wife was less than happy. We went out for a ride with her family, them on shiny new big twins and us on my little, unpainted Sportster. They were already giving me enough grief for running with no turn signals, no speedometer/odometer, and barely any suspension with my wife riding a p-pad. Then of course I ran out of gas ... man did I hear it after that! I love the bike and if I could have two I would definitely keep this but as it is that's not a possibility to it's about to go up for sale."
Andy Cox's 1968 Norton Atlas
This bike was literally a $500 barn find, purchased from an old guy that had chopped it back in the day, and left it to rot in his barn. The original Norton featherbed frame had the top tubes cut out and it had a single-tube backbone welded in to fit a sportster tank. The Norton forks had been extended about 8" to rake it out, and it had a 16" rear wheel and a 19" in front. It was one ugly machine.
The frame was reconstructed back to featherbed specs by a local Norton race bike builder, Roger McHardy, and once that was together, I started fabricating and modifying the rest of it into the vision I had in my head. I'm super lucky to have such a good friend in Grant Schwartz at Schwartz Inc., who let me have a corner of his workshop to build this bike (along with use of his mill and lathe) and was alway on hand for advice and lots of help.
The standout piece, in my mind, is likely the seat, as it was my first go at forming aluminum. I made a wooden buck and hammered/wheeled the tail section out of 3 separate pieces that where then welded together, filed, sanded and polished (and thrown against the wall by the polishing wheel, and re-hammered, re-sanded and re-polished again...) I'm really happy how it turned out.
- Owner: Andy Cox
- Year/Make/Model: 1968 Norton Atlas
- Fabrication: Myself, Schwartz Inc., McHardy Norton Racing
- Build Time: 2-3 years off and on.
- Year/Type/Size: 1968 Norton 750
- Carburetor: dual Amal 930 Concentric
- Exhaust: custom fabricated headers into Commando S megaphones.
- Air Cleaner: None. The air is pretty clean in Canada.
- Year/Type: 1968
- Rake/Stretch: Stock (returned to stock)
Front End:
- Type / Brand: Modified Norton Roadholder
- Front Size: 19"
- Rear Size: 18"
- Plating/Polishing: The Polishing Depot, Cambridge Custom Chrome & Me.
- Powder Coating: Fireball Coatings.
- Front Fender: generic alloy fender, modified to fit.
- Rear Fender: generic alloy fender, modified to fit
- Gas Tank: Long Story. originally Legendary Motorcycles Alloy Manx Lyta, which was horrible all the way around. Currently a Dunstall alloy Manx Lyta, which so far is much better.
- Handlebars: generic drag bar
- Grips: Lowbrow Customs - Cole Foster grips
- Mirrors: Bar End Mirror I had in my stash.
- Hand Controls: Doherty dual cable throttle
- Foot Controls: Modified Joker Machine w/ my own linkages.
- Headlight: Modified Triumph (upgraded to sealed beam)
- Taillight: After Hours Shot Glass
- Turn Signals: None.
- License Mount: Me
- Seat: I made the pan and tail section, upholstery by Herman's Auto trim.
Custom & Special Details or Accessories:
- 4 Leading Shoe front brake, modified to fit in the (also modified) Norton fork.
- Grey-faced Smiths gauges, Boyer E.I., Borrani high shoulder rims.
Big Thanks to Grant Schwartz for the barn-find hookup, shop space, advice, welding and friendship, Lowbrow Customs for having all the tools, British bike bits and fab parts at the ready and in stock, my wife and Lori and daughter Kaitlyn for the patience and putting up with this project.
Words by: Andy Cox
Photos by: Mikey Revolt
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