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      Rob 'Cycle Monster' Hudnut

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      about the author

      Rob 'Cycle Monster' Hudnut

      lowbrow staff writer

      Rob Hudnut (a.k.a. Cycle Monster) is a Portland Oregon native, born and raised in the City of Roses. He has been around the scene his whole life, going to countless car shows, bike shows, races, swap meets and poker runs growing up with his family.
      His folks had been riding motorcycles before he was born. His dad commuted to work daily, year round, in all weather throughout his career. His folks were members of the AMA and were corner workers at the local P.I.R. raceway for motorcycle races. His dad was also heavy into the custom car scene and built a full custom, chopped, channeled '51 Ford coupe that he drives to this day.
      Rob got started young, working on customizing cars with his dad and older brother Roger. They didn't play catch in the yard much, but the family spent a great deal of time in the garage throughout his childhood. Rob got his first motorcycle in 6th grade. His folks taught both boys how to ride and shift that little 1973 Honda XR75. Later on, he had developed his artistic talents as project cars and bikes filtered into his adult life. Metal flake, gold leaf, pinstripes and leatherworking were all areas that really grabbed his attention and skill. He taught himself how to weld and fabricate and the custom ideas started flowing.
      One day he picked up his old trusty pen and paper and drew some motorcycle how-to ideas, which he shared on Instagram. A few how-to's became more. People seemed to dig them and in 2019 he illustrated and self published his first how-to book for motorcycles as "Cycle Monster". His second volume was released in 2020.
      Along the way, Tyler and Rob starting working together on commissioned how-to illustrations called "Lowbrow Learnins". Some have been in the Weirdo catalogs while others have been shared online. More is sure to come from Cycle Monster and Lowbrow Learnins!

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