Lowbrow Customs has been carrying DiCE Magazine since the very beginning. We were the first online store you could grab a copy of their magazine from other than at DiCE itself. Together we thought it would be a rad idea to share some of our favorite bike features from previous issues and shine some more light on them. So dive in and check out some of the most killer bikes to grace the pages of DiCE Magazine.
DiCE Archives Issue 64: Frankino's Triumph ‘Strychnine'
From the DiCE Magazine Archives comes this beautiful unit Triumph Chopper by Frankino who is from Torino, Italy. Aggressively low to the ground, incredible fab work on the gas tank, oil tank, fender and seat, along with this brilliant shade of blue that just shines. Classic styling with a touch of class, this bike defiantly turned some heads in issue 64 and we thought we would bring some more light on it and share some more photos from that issue for all of you.

DiCE Archives Issue 76: Cohen Arthur's 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead
Here's a piece of legendary history from the incredible photography work of the late Timo Caraco and his friend Cohen Arthur's 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead chopper. Timo, Cohen, and a couple others shipped a handful of bikes over from Australia to LA and ventured around California for two plus weeks for some fun in the sun.
These images were taken at the iconic Joshua Tree state park and at Salvation Mountain, Both places make the perfect background for this properly built chopper. Keeping Timo's spirit alive through any way we can, this rehashed feature just reminds us all of his talents and that he is truly missed. Forever Timo, Timo Forever.
Cohen Arthur's 1952 Harley-Davidson Panhead Chopper in Joshua Tree.
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