Found the bike as a basket case a few years ago. Four boxes of parts - everything painted black including all the chrome. The original frame was in bad shape and the swing arm was missing so I fabricated a hardtail with cast iron axle plates. The engine looked like shit on the outside but it turned out that someone restored it with an early S&S stroker kit and just left it in a corner for about a decade. A good cleanup, new gaskets and it was ready to go.
Same story with the gearbox. Fitted a Primo beltdrive and clutch as well. Fabbed the midcontrols out of aluminum axle and some old Sportster and bicycle parts. Bent some stainless tubing for the handlebars and made the risers as well. Modified the original exhaust and fitted shorty Triumph mufflers. I made the seat pan and a local girl named Saija got it stitched up. My good friend Daniel did the paintjob. Thanks for a great site with loads of nice parts!

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