The Rogue Fender by Lowbrow Customs has proven to be a popular alternative to a stock rear fender on Shovelheads as well as Panheads, as the Rogue Fender bolts directly to stock Harley-Davidson Big Twin frames from 1958-1984. This means you don't have to modify your stock frame, you can run a custom rear fender and change back to stock in the future if you desire with no problems whatsoever. We also write a full guide post how to install a Rogue Fender with detailed steps and images in case you do not have time to watch.
The very heavy-duty steel fender includes chrome steel fender struts and mounting hardware, ready to go! This is just one of the many motorcycle fenders and custom Harley Big Twin parts that are only available from Lowbrow Customs.
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You can read a full transcription of this video below:
Hi, I'm Todd from Lowbrow Customs. Today, we're going to show easy it is to install our new Lowbrow Customs Rogue Fender, primarily for Shovelheads but it will '55 to 1984 Harley-Davidson frames. Let's go ahead and get started.
Okay, here's what the fender looks like. Nice, heavy 12-gauge steel, nicely constructed, give your bike a really cool look, comes with a fender, two custom fender struts, nicely chrome finished and it comes with some hardware for these struts.
We'll go ahead and put one of these struts on. Obviously, you're going to take your existing fender off, and this is what your bike will look like with the fender removed.
You'll notice our shock studs are a little longer than you may see on your bike, that's not a problem. The strut has a recess and that should face in.
So, you're going to go ahead and slide that over your shock stud after you remove the bolt there and then we're going to use the three-eighths 24 fine thread bolt.
You'll notice the strut is threaded, so you're going to put that on there, like so, and you're going to run this in here, like so.
Since this bike is a work in progress, I'm not going to be installing the two studs there but you'll still get the general idea of how we're going to do this.
Okay, once again, cut out faces in, over your shock stud, pull through the frame, and it's also a good idea if you put a flat washer and lock washer on here. That way, they'll stay nice and tight.
The stock nuts that go on here do have an eye lock on them so there's no chance of those coming loose and that's how easy it is to put the two struts on.
Okay, now in order to put the fender on, it's much easier to drop it down and bring it up to the struts than it is to try to shove it down through the struts. Obviously, if you just painted your new fender, you want to be extra careful.
I know when I used to work at the Harley shop, I used to do a lot of Sportster Sissy Bars, a side plates that we get sandwiched in between the strut and the fender so you got to be extra careful you don't screw up your new paint and a little bit of masking tape on there. A layer of masking tape over the fender before you pull it up into the middle of the struts, which might not be a bad idea, so you're just going to get it in position.
Fender does come with button heads and nuts with serrated inside that will go inside the fender, probably not a bad idea to put a little Loctite on those.
Go ahead and lift it up to the holes, you've got a couple started like that and look steady at there. You can reach right in from there to get that nut started and there's going to be three fasteners per side.
Now, you're going to need 3/16 socket, Allen socket, half inch wrench to tighten these six fasteners. Like I said previously, probably good idea to put some Loctite on those. Securely tighten those, make sure all your hardware up there is tight, little Loctite. That's all there is to it, you're ready to go for a ride.
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